Good morning!
Recently, someone commented that she wanted more little life updates on my blog. I have pulled back on those because sometimes it feels a little cocky to assume you want to know the ins and outs of my life. And, it seems like Insta stole the show there and blogs are just for long form.
But, alas! Ask and you shall receive :) Here's what I've been up to lately (x1000 photos!):
My amazing mom & sisters came to Atlanta to help wedding plan. It was an absolute whirlwind and we got so much done - including sending invitations out. Wahoo!
Off they go!
My family + Melly threw me a beautiful wedding shower in Atlanta. I felt so amazingly overwhelmed by their love.
Can you tell who is related here? :)
Their beautiful, simple decor.
I voted in Georgia's primary. Just a little late to the party on caring about politics - NBD. Power to the peaches, Georgia!
I rode on a firetruck as part of my LEAD Atlanta program. It was amazing.
Chris and I had friends over to my housing for dining el fresco on a gloriously warm early March day. Hello spring, ILOVEYOU!
I went home to Indiana for an amazing shower, which my aunts threw. They were so generous and loving. Every detail was so well thought out. These showers really do shower you with love!
My parents threw a great family party, which meant I got to see everyone while I was home ( = the best!).
I didn't wash my hair for seven days while I was home. Sounds disgusting, right? It wasn't! I swear my hair just stopped producing oil after a few days. (My super cool braid on day seven...)
I drove to Chicago to celebrate my friend, Maggie's, bachelorette weekend. We had dinner at Bar Siena and brunch at Little Goat and laughed and went to Barefoot Power Yoga and were so happy to be together. It was my friend, Jamie's, final weekend living in the West Loop so she showed us, one last time, why it is the best loop.
I got back to Atlanta and got to cheer on the Hoosiers with my brother, brother-in-law, Ryan, and Chris while eating Yeah! Burger. What more could you want?
The next day, Ryan, who is officiating our wedding, talked us through the ceremony and expectations. Then he took us to get our marriage license!
That night, Chris and I went to Leon's to celebrate :)
Then, last weekend, Sam and his fiance, Abbey, were in town. Naturally this called for dinner at Taqueria + froyo at The Yogurt Tap.
So, that's what has been going on around these parts! I hope your spring is going swimmingly :)!