the grass is greener

My mom definitely wins the award for the best Easter baskets ever. Check out her handiwork below.

When I was home in March, she told me she wanted to grow her own grass in the baskets she and my dad were making for the grand babies.

And so, the project started here:
We celebrated Easter in Hilton Head, and she and my dad transported the lovely buckets to the island.

Check out the final products below.

How much cuter are these than plastic grass filled baskets? Not to mention eco-friendlier, safer and way happier.

Ten points for Muffy.

Where did the weekend go?

My mom came to visit for Easter and we had the best weekend ever!

We bought flowers for my porch (photos to come once my green thumb kicks in), did some Easter shopping, laid by the pool, went to dinner with Jim, went to church and didn't have nearly enough time together!

Whenever my family visits me, I find myself driving home from the airport on Sunday thinking, "why, on earth, do we live so far apart?".

However, as much of a bummer as it is to be away from them, I must admit that I certainly love the special weekend trips.

And because we somehow managed to take zero, yes zero, pictures, I leave you with a really fabulous Easter photo I found on Court's blog. Oh Finny! I can just hear him saying, "whoooah!".

Easter at Horseguard Close

When it comes to Easter, there's something we can always count on: Sam is so bad at finding the eggs.

He claims that he just doesn't care and is fooling us into doing all the work (Huck Finn?), since my mom will inevitably have us divide the eggs evenly. I'm not so sure I'm convinced though.

Yesterday, in lieu of an egg hunt, we had a basket hunt. We were each responsible for finding one basket. Then, we had to bring it back and we'd each open the one that was ours. Of course, Duke and I found baskets the immediately (it may sound cocky, but it’s a fact after 23 years).

Because Sam was struggling, I decided to help him. After about 10 minutes of hunting, Duke admitted that he had found the third basket right away and decided to hide it in the trash can.

This basket happened to be mine (which Duke knew!). So, my precious gifts from the bunny spent a good portion of the morning among the trash...luckily, I don't think any of the candy was damaged.

Between the hunting, the candy, and Duke's prank, I certainly felt like a kid yesterday. It makes me happy to know no matter how old we get, some things will never change. So even though it was our first holiday in a new house, with new hiding spots for the Easter bunny, it felt like home from the start.

Of course, it would have been much better with Court and Ash (+ families) home too. But, I think Lily might have given us some competition for the baskets. Then Sam really wouldn't have stood a chance.