sometimes, always, never

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How We're Handling Quarantine

My feelings toward the quarantine have been like a slinky: up, down, up, down.

I feel grateful for the forced slowing down and more time together as a family. I don’t think I realized how badly we needed to change our pace.

I’ve also been overwhelmed with gratitude toward the thousands of people working so hard to keep the rest of us safe. I can’t stop picturing someone working around the clock in a lab coat at the CDC, trying to end this virus.

Other days, though, I feel anxious, lonely and stuck. If I think about staying home until June, it makes my head spin. It feels like spring and summer are getting sucked into a vacuum.

I thought I’d share a few ways we’re surviving quarantine. Please share anything you’re doing - habits, things you’re reading, etc. - in the comments if you have any tips. As they say, we’re in this together (:


  1. As much as possible, we are keeping our normal routine. Same wake up time, same nap and bedtime for Mac, etc.

  2. Chris and I are both getting time to work out alone each day. In our basement or outside, but it still makes a difference.

  3. We are trying to give each other 15 extra minutes a day alone. That might be Chris going on a walk when he finishes work, or me making dinner while he takes Mac outside. We are trying to recognize that neither of us is getting our usual amount of alone time to decompress.


I’m not going to be someone who comes out of this knowing how to make duck confit or speak Italian. But, we did establish a few family goals:

  1. We created a house bucket list. It included things like painting the basement, organizing our storage area, switching out our winter clothes, etc.

  2. We are finally, finally going to practice having a Sabbath. We have talked about it for so long and it feels like this season lends itself to it.

  3. We are trying to make things special. Easter, Chris’ birthday, Mac’s birthday and Mothers’ and Fathers’ day are coming up. We are going to have the attitude that it’s special to celebrate the three of us - though my heart aches at the thought of not seeing family. We’re going to make good meals, slow down, and celebrate the best we can to make these days feel full, not empty.


While organizing the basement and bee bopping around on walks, I’ve been loving:

  1. Solve: It plays like you are a detective, listening to clues about mysteries. You try to solve who did it. It’s good!

  2. Even the Rich: If you love (or even like) learning about the Royal family, this will not disappoint. Also, it’s funny!

  3. Coffee & Crumbs: I loved the episodes about sex. I really enjoy hearing them talk and share advice on mothering in general.


  1. Finished up Sing, Unburied, Sing. So good! Sad, but not too sad.

  2. Working on P.S. I Still Love You. Netflix made me do it!

  3. Next up? Either Such a Fun Age, The Lies That Bind or Untamed. Let me know if you have loved any of them!

How are you surviving this season? We are taking any and all recs!