sometimes, always, never

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...and we're back!

Hello, friends! We are back from our wedding and honeymoon and settling into the routine again. I am still unwinding (and wishing I could rewind to do it all again!). I'll be back soon with some big old wedding, Greece and life updates! 

In the meantime, I will leave you with a few recs!:

Reading: I read The Boys in the Boat in Greece. Holy cow! So good. The first 100 pages are a little slow, but if you can get through them, you will n.e.v.e.r. look back. I learned so much, too!

Watching: We finished The People v. OJ Simpson on the flight home and I strongly suggest watching it. I learned things I never knew about the trial (tons) and couldn't believe the empathy I felt for the lawyers, jurors, etc. Chris and I are counting down for the OJ 30 for 30. We can't get enough!

Wanting: Sam Smith originals. Girls in Greece were rocking OG Adidas and they looked so cute. They'd be a real compliment to my slides :) 

Eating: Grilled papaya (and anything we can possibly grill, grilled). We made a recipe from the Superfood Kitchen that called for papaya and had a ton left over. We weren't sure if it was grillable, but we threw it on anyway. I think I prefer it this way! 

Feeling: So happy to live with Chris and pretty happy to be back in the swing of things. But! Still wishing we could go back in time and pause the glorious moment when so many of our loved ones were in Atlanta. This city felt so full with all of you here!

Happy Tuesday!